Friday, September 28, 2012

So Why This Blog?

Life is busy, and here in Johannesburg, it’s not only busy but also stressful. With the traffic, crime, striking, constant price hikes etc. this place often brings out “Survival of the Fittest” mentality. For some time now I have thought, and heard people say, “Is this it?” I feel that there is this constant pressure on myself and others; time and money constraints, living for the weekend, hanging on by our fingertips, trying to make ends meet, running on credit, racing from A to B…and all the time living for that moment where we feel we have “made it”; when life FINALLY settles down; we beat the rat race; jump off the hamster wheel. You get my drift? But sorry to burst your bubble sweety, unless you win the lottery, and the UK lottery at that, this is it…this is as good as it gets.

“So why this blog?” I hear you ask (amongst when will she stop waffling and making me depressed)? Well for one, I am an ordinary person, no one special, not rich or super successful, just a normal 28 year old girl trying to build a career, some savings, a life for herself. And two, I feel I could be doing something positive for the world.

So I am faced with all the obstacles “normal” people are faced with yet I want to somehow make a difference…no matter how small. And so I have decided to start this blog about saving time, money and the planet whilst still trying to live my life (effortlessly) and be as fab as possible. Not many girls (especially me!) want to hear that we need to save the planet, so we should bath in a bucket! No sir, I want to hear, save the planet, eat these chocolates that save the rain forest!

So as of today, I am on a mission to find all the tips that will best save time, money and the planet. They won’t necessarily be mutually exclusive, nor complementary of each other, but I figure, if only a handful of people like and try my tips I am making a positive difference in the world and changing my life in the process….not exactly wonder woman…but close enough!!